"You know we live in a society!" - George Costanza

Rantings and ravings of one angry human being

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Turning our daughters into whores

I don't even have a daughter and this pisses me off.

Gripe #1: Bratz dolls. Why not call them Slutz? That's what they are. I've seen more tastefully dressed women in strip clubs. Whatever happened to the classy dolls like Barbie? Remember the fancy gowns and dresses they came with? Now it's mini skirts and tube tops.

Gripe #2: Pants with words on the ass. Really? This is fashion?? No one sees a problem with a 12 year old girl with the word HOT across the back of her pants?? Why does it have to go on the ass? There is no other reason besides drawing attention to something that does not need attention drawn to it. And we wonder why kids are having sex in middle school. They don't stand a chance. The shit is shoved in their face all day every day.

Gripe #3: MTV. There is so much wrong with this channel I don't know where to begin. First of all how long can you continue to call yourself Music Television when there is no music involved. Secondly, the shows on MTV promote such a horrible message. The worst of all is My Super Sweet 16. These snotty little skanks get insanely expensive parties thrown for them and then bitch the whole time about how everything is being ruined because the parents won't spend ALL of their money. Their reality dating shows are no better though. First off it's so obvious that they are scripted. Watch Parental Control one time and tell me you disagree. Maybe it's just me but most people don't speak in sexual innuendos and one liners. I hate MTV!

Gripe #4: Britney Spears. Why won't she go away?? I don't want to completely single her out because she's not the only culprit here. People like Jessica Simpson let the girls of this country know that it's okay to be a complete moron as long as you are pretty and Paris Hilton proved that you can become famous by getting nailed on tape. But Britney is on an entirely different level. And this goes back to MTV because they made her. Mix 1 part sexual exploitation with 2 parts shitty parenting and you get Britney Spears. I think the entire family should be rounded up and shot into space. I pity the daughters though. Their parents fucked Britney's life up so bad what chance did her little sister stand? I'm surprised it took her this long to get knocked up.

I usually like to make my posts more humorous but there's nothing funny about the messages being sent to the young women in this country. Ok the Spears family saga is sorta funny sometimes. It's not like I'm some conservative church goer. I have nothing against sex, violence or vulgar language but children are being robbed of their childhood. They go from toddler directly to teenager. And it's far worse for girls.

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