"You know we live in a society!" - George Costanza

Rantings and ravings of one angry human being

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Bitchin about gas prices

First off I am so sick of this topic. I can't go through a single day with out someone bringing up the price of gas. Unless we are all going to get together as a nation and stop driving then shut the hell up. The other day though I met a man who wins my award for "Douche of the Week". This guy stayed at the hotel in which I work. He came to the desk to check out in the morning and starts bitching about the price of gas. I was about to respond to him when I looked outside and saw what he was driving. A friggin Hummer. Sorry asshole but if you are going to buy a big SUV(superbly useless vehicle) then your right to bitch about gas prices is revoked. Here is a fact(by fact I mean I made it up): If every Hummer switched to a hybrid there would be a lot less assholes in the world. This jerk off is like Hitler saying there aren't enough Jews in the world. Some good news about Hummers. GM is working on an alternative fuel source for these vehicles. By 2011 every Hummer will run on a mixture of gasoline and their owner's need for attention.

I'd also like to let everyone out there know that a gas station attendant making minimum wage does not decide how much we pay for gas. I worked at a gas station for awhile and people acted like my last name was Exxon. It's not like I was walking up to people's cars in an Armani suit, Rolex and some platinum rings, laughing hysterically as I watched myself get richer with every gallon I pumped.

And another thing! Here's a message to all states/cities that have laws against self serve gas stations. PISS OFF! This lady from Jersey came to my hotel and was telling me how she lost her gas cap because when she got to PA she had to pump her own gas and wasn't used to it. She then said that she thought it was great to have full service because it creates job. First off all there is nothing to get used to when it comes to pumping gas. You take the gas cap off then put it back on when you are done. If she had to put windshield washer fluid in her car would she open the hood, pour it in then drive around all day with the hood still up? Second of all being a gas pumper is one of the worst jobs. People treat you like shit. Old ladies pull up and want you to check their tire pressure, check their oil, rebuild their engines. Then they hand you 30 fucking cents and tell you to get a soda pop. OK LADY. Lemme hop in my time machine and travel back to 1950 so I can get me a soda pop. And as far as it creating jobs BIG DEAL. There are lots of jobs out there. Do you know why people are unemployed? Because they are LAZY! I have seen this at every job I've had. It's nearly impossible to find competent employees no matter how simple the position. Ok I'm ending this because I'm getting more pissed and completely off topic.

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